Therapy Dogs and the HABIT Program

What to expect when applying to the Human-Animal Bond in Tennessee (HABIT) program. 

HABIT facilitates pet visitation to nursing homes, assisted-living residences, retirement centers, mental health centers, residences for children with special needs, rehabilitation facilities, hospital settings, and other facilities.  They approve who can visit certain facilities that rely on them to screen animals and their handlers and they also help coordinate your visits.

First of all, you need to watch the video.  This gives you all the details going forward and all the forms you will need. 

HABIT overview video:

When you have the secret word mentioned in the video, you will contact the HABIT office at

They will send you the necessary forms and set up a behavioral screening.  A coordinator should contact you after the screening.

You will initially observe another team working with their dog in a facility. Later, you will be monitored with your dog.

Please keep me updated with your progress. I would like to attend some of the initial sessions with you.

Click to call Rod at (423) 497-0707.
